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Philosophical Ramblings (standard:other, 1307 words)
Author: LunaAdded: May 30 2003Views/Reads: 3224/2023Story vote: 0.00 (0 votes)
Otherwise known as philosophical crap. Read if you wish. Then rate. Then tear it to pieces with criticism. It's an expected cycle. Note: Not finished work.

Click here to read the first 75 lines of the story

HEARD. On the other hand, guess what scorned, bitter love leave you 
with? Pain. Lots of it. Yes, it is very powerful indeed. You could be 
feeling happiness and life or feelings of desperation and death (not 
that you FEEL death, exactly). 

Now you ask: Have I felt love? No. Have I fully experienced life? No.
Have I been hurt? Yes. Once you are old enough to emotionally feel, you 
are officially prey to the dangers of emotional pain. Not all of 
emotional pain is crippling though. Most you will forget and go on, and 
some are so insignificant that it really couldn't be called emotional 
pain. For example, when you are a child, you were hurt when you didn't 
get what you wanted. In time, you forgot about it, and even if you 
remembered it, would think it was a silly, childish thing. Compare that 
to the pain of when you didn't get the love of someone you cared for, 
and it's not so different...only the intensity of it is multiplied 
many, many times. 

You cannot believe how emotional pain can drive us to thinking such
crazy things. Or maybe you can. The least of it is a few tears, while 
there can be thoughts of suicide, and maybe even the act of it. And if 
your pain is not quite enough for thoughts of suicide, you think of 
hurting yourself. Now, of course, a person would ask who would be 
stupid enough to do that? I understand, actually. First of all, it 
makes you feel better. Hurting yourself certainly has a pain/stress 
relieving effect. The blood that trickles down your wrist is 
mesmerizing, and with it trickles away your pain. Sometimes its not 
enough, and you just have to end your life to escape it. Secondly, no 
one can be rational under any effects of great pain, whether 
emotionally or physically. If you were hurt physically, and if it was 
very, very painful, you would scream, squeal like a stuck pig; you 
would lash out like a wild animal because the intensity of the pain 
overwhelms you. 

When have you ever been rational when under the influence of strong
emotions? Unless you have the greatest self-control, there is nothing 
to stop the average person that was, say, very jealous, vengeful, or 
angry. You lash out, except you do not scream, or maybe you do. Maybe 
scream or yell at the object of your anger, abuse it physically, 
whatever. Only when all emotion is spent will you calm. 


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