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Perhaps (standard:poetry, 217 words)
Author: J. NicklausAdded: Dec 20 2004Views/Reads: 3365/2Story vote: 0.00 (0 votes)
You want to say it, but you can't


What is it 

That which makes us abdicate our depth of true emotion 

for safer shallows 

That which makes the heart ache and yearn 

While the other cheek we turn 

The whole of ourselves self-evident 

But what do others see 

What is it 

Which makes us surround a white-hot ember with a ring of stones 

Secretly, quietly preventing the honest truth from escaping 

How long 

Must a fool suffer inflicted usurpations 

To maintain a charade for fear of loss 

How many times can warmth and comfort give way 

To darkness, sad and cold 

To languish in forlorn perpitude 

Hearts words never told 

To know and not have 

To desire, but to hide 

Relegated to the shadows 

The truth that's locked inside 

Unquenchable langorous thirst 

Infallible and just 

Never able to drink its want 

Each glance a piercing thrust 

Upon a soul which knows all to well 

Forever its been cursed 

In time to arrive far too late 

Affliction to be nursed 

What is it 

Which keeps my tongue still 

To feel the burn of which I may never speak 

Easy to give in and die 

To the victor, the vanquished weak 

A heart that longs but must be silent 

Feelings contained I cannot free 

Just feeling close to another 

Perhaps, should be good enough for me 


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