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Lady Elysia's Sword (standard:fairy tales, 5419 words)
Author: ArielleAdded: Nov 12 2008Views/Reads: 3660/2092Story vote: 0.00 (0 votes)
Lady Elysia becomes bitter after losing a dear friend to the dragon Lorcàn. She teems up with the dragons next victim, Princess Valencia, and together they kill the dragon. Then Elysia meets the mysterious Princess Mercédes. Somehow she seem

Lady Elysia's Sword 

Chapter 1 

It started reminiscent of any other icy winter day. Cold enough to
freeze bones, but not yet chilly enough to snow. I was sitting before 
the roaring fire of Lady Geneva's room, most of the other maids and 
ladies-in- waiting gathered around with me. Although we were covered in 
heavy wool blankets, the frosty air lingered on the gray stone walls of 
the chamber, causing occasional shivers to wrack us. We talked in 
hushed voices, as it was yet only three o'clock in the morning; but 
this had become a customary part of life for us. When it was too cold 
to sleep, all the women eager to chatter met in Lady Geneva's room to 
exchange court gossip and sew. It was an excellent place to made 
friends, and many a strong bond was made over warmth, good feeling, and 

In fact, it was there I first met Azadeh, though I had seen her around
the castle before many times. She was only a lowly maid, brought in to 
help tend to Lady Geneva's sweet obsession. Speaking with Azadeh was a 
refreshing break from the nonsensical conversations of the other 
ladies. She had an air of kindness that drew me to her, and often 
caused her to be reviled by some of the more spiteful and pompous 
women. I had taken to calling her Aza, and her nickname for me was 
Lysa, as both our names were a bit of a mouthful. 

Some said Aza was inhuman, born of an elf and a fairy, and I don't doubt
that various parts of it may have been true. Aza had a queer way of 
looking at you from time to time, like she could see right through you 
to your very core, into your soul. She could also tell when something 
was wrong, just by closing her eyes and as she put it, “feeling” with 
her mind. Then again, that's what I call intuition, just as I believe 
Aza's opinion on everything in one's life being fated to happen a bit 
off. But that's Aza for you. 

On this particular early morning we were discussing the recent uprisings
and anarchy of the realm, while we drank steaming cider from glazed 
clay mugs. Of course, Aza pleaded the common peasants' case. 

“You can't expect them to just fend for themselves, Lysa. They're people
like us, and should have as much a chance to speak their mind as we 

“Aza, they're revolting. We can't allow a reprieve of restraint now; it
would seem like we're giving in. Then the next time they want something 
all they'll have to do is shout for their wish and we will give in. We 
can't let that happen.” 

She shook her head in disagreement. “It's a daunting world out there,
Lysa. They need someone they can turn to for protection. If it isn't 
us, who will it be? The next kingdom that comes to conquer us?” 

Aza seemed about to say more but she hesitated, and at that moment I
realized that the other ladies and maids had gone deathly still, 
focused on something-or someone- behind me. 

I fiercely battled my urge to turn around. 

“You both have equally fascinating points.” The smooth and lilting voice
came from behind my back. “But could you please keep it down to a soft 
roar? Some of us are trying to sleep.” 

I went hot, then cold. 

Princess Valencia. 

Chapter 2 

I felt that I was teetering on the brink of a precipice, with nothing to
keep me safe should I fall. If I had displeased Princess Valencia, not 
only would I suffer; the position my family held at court could be 
ripped away in the blink of an eye. There was no way to disentangle 

The hairs on the back of my neck stood up, every nerve humming with a

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