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strange love (standard:romance, 1311 words)
Author: AnonymousAdded: May 30 2009Views/Reads: 9288/3Story vote: 0.00 (0 votes)
some people are strange when it come to nature but this woman in this story takes the cake

Strange love 

At the bar set a handsome young man well dressed , holding In his right
hand he held a half empty beer, the young woman that has just come into 
the bar to get her brother who often stopped off at the bar for a drink 
after his days work at his office which was located down town , she 
knew what bar he often had a drink at and one of his friend has showed 
up at his apartment looking for him for a business proposal ,, the 
young woman found her brother and told him he needed to go home to his 
apartment , because someone was there needing to speak to him , her 
brother gave her a light kiss on the cheek and hurried out of the bar , 
as she was about to leave behind her brother the handsome young man 
said what your hurry , you beautiful lady, she answered , I just come 
to get my brother and a man needed to see him pretty bad about a 
business deal of some sort he is involved in, she answered “ don't 
leave out so fast and come and set here and let me buy you a drink, he 
Said, he seem like a perfect Gentleman well dressed , and very polite , 
maybe a little forward,, his handsome face and him being well mannered 
made her desire to maybe set a while beside him and  get acquainted , 
what will you have he asked her ? Really I never touch the stuff , and 
to be honest this is my first time I was even in a bar, well how about 
a coke he said? Ok maybe a coke she answered,” so what your name she 
asked, ? My name is Jake Spence, and I am not from this town I was just 
coming threw here heading up north and thought I would stop at this 
corner bar and have a beer of two and rest before I go on my way, well 
that sound nice she said, trying to think of something to say, you 
haven't told me your name said” im June Norwood , I have lived here in 
this little town all my life and I am on my last year in college . I 
plan on going into accounting as my profession she added! That sound 
like a good thing to do he said:” his friendly warm smile and kind 
looking face , and sort of captured her interest, he was well dressed 
and wore and expensive watch , his hair was jet black an well groomed, 
he looked to be about her age and she become more interested as the 
conversation continued, they talk on and he talked her into have a mild 
whiskey just for a social drink and like most woman she agreed just to 
be friendly, she being sipping on the whiskey he has ordered and it 
being her first time drinking it rushed to her head and she was not 
thinking normal ,  then he pop the question how about you and I leaving 
this bar and take a drive around your city, and we can talk in private 
, that is if your willing, he said: I know I am a stranger in town and 
all but your just a beautiful woman is all , and I have a few hours to 
kill before I head on up north, he told her, why not she thinks to 
herself he seemed friendly enough and all ,and she thought to herself 
that why not go out on the town with this tall handsome stranger in 
town, they left the bar together and he told her that they would take 
his car, which was a sport car and a very expensive car, she assumed 
him to be wealthy by his clothes and his car, they got into the nice 
car and pulled out from the bar parking lot leaving her car where she 
had parked in the bar parking lot. He remain friendly and she thinks to 
herself this is going real good, and just maybe I have found a man to 
date, and get to know, she has spent the last four years in college , 
not going out with any guys in this town as matter of fact she has 
never dated anyone steady, these thoughts left her mind when she 
noticed he has taken a different route leading out of town in the 
suburbs where there was some lonely roads not used by anyone hardly at 
all where  are you taking me she asked” never mind he said” and his 
whole attitude changed from the friendly mannered man, she knew 
something was terribly wrong, and she has fell into the hands of a 
stranger that appeared to be and angle and handsome and all the things 
that a woman would want to see in a man, she realized that she was in 
trouble and she was trying to thinks what might be going to happen to 
her, she thought maybe I am going to be raped or even killed and left 
on the side of one of the desolate roads far out from the lights of the 
city, he found a road and turned off and it lead down a grassy little 
narrow road , she kept thinking what move she would make if this guy 
was a freak or even a serial killer, she knew she has been tricked and 
something was desperately wrong with this man and here she is in the 
car, going down a lonely road way out from town, take me back to town 
she begged him” he tell her to shut up and set quiet , what are you 
going to do she kept asking and he kept telling her she see in a little 
while and for her to be patient , that she would know in a little while 
when we get to the end of this road you'll know my plan for you, he 
said in a rough voice unlike the voice he had in the bar, she was 
thinking the awful thought of being raped at the end of the lonesome 
road, it seem the , she is now facing the obvious she was in trouble 
and knew it , he told her if she said another word he slap her face , 
and she hushed and knew better than to cross him again, the ride seem 
long and then a dead end appeared , noting but woods and a enough room 
to turn a car was all , he drug her out of the car and kept the light 
on the car and pushed knocked her down and raised up her dress and 
pressed himself again her and put his hand over her face and stopped 
her breath and violently raped her, and then he tied a rope around her 
neck and choked her, and when she completely stop breathing and moving 
, he pulled her lifeless body out of the path of the car and quickly 
got inside and turned and speed away into the night, she lay their in 
the dark alive and well , and not long later he backed the car up and 
picked her up , and she got  back inside and the two drove back down 
the grassy road to the main road, that leads back into the city, this 
was the best night of pretending we ever had she said and he agreed , 
and said “your  a strange lover, with a strange way of making love he 
told her, but what ever turns you I will keep doing what ever excites 
you , next week we will meet in a different bar and take a different 
desolate road to keep your excitement alive,,,,,,THE END..


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