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  Writer's profile for 'i.luv.u'
Email address
City Perth
State Western Australia
Country Australia
Birthdate 9th of March
Sex Female
Marital state not sure i dunno wots goin on with sean atm :(
Profession student
Interests random stuff
Short bio well. i was born. then my family moved cities. me and my brothers and sisters hated perth. then a new baby came. then one of my sisters moved away from perth. then she came back. then one of my brothers left school. then we moved. that is my life so far.
Comments im very emo

'i.luv.u' has written 1 stories:

The Greedy Man Poem (standard:poetry, 171 words)
Author: i.luv.uAdded: May 02 2007Views/Reads: 4606/0Story vote: 0.00 (0 votes)
hey, this is a poem i wrote when i was like 8 or something thats why its not very good, but it will have to do until i finish my story. id luv some feedback anyway!

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