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The category Fan Fiction contains 74 stories. The last update was on Nov 01 2020.

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A Bird Called Marie (1302 words)
Author: Robson59Added: Nov 01 2020Views/Reads: 1330/882Story vote: 0.00 (0 votes)
A widower becomes engrossed in a nest of Peregrine Falcons
Alien Army (1101 words)
Author: JuggernautAdded: Jul 22 2014Views/Reads: 2522/1790Story vote: 0.00 (0 votes)
Salvation army members were confused for an alien army force in a rural town.
Restore My Good Name (1416 words)
Author: JuggernautAdded: Apr 15 2014Views/Reads: 3289/1861Story vote: 0.00 (0 votes)
The real god in the heaven vexed with the humanity goes to the court to clear his name.
A Free Drink of Rum From a 55-gallon Drum (1157 words)
Author: JuggernautAdded: Jul 06 2013Views/Reads: 2932/1999Story vote: 0.00 (0 votes)
A night watchman makes a habbit of drinking rum from a 55-gallon drum.
Red Apple Skin (729 words)
Author: JuggernautAdded: Jun 28 2013Views/Reads: 2889/1998Story vote: 0.00 (0 votes)
A bizarre experience of eating red apple skin told by Juggernaut's aging mother.
Ghost to the Rescue (1870 words)
Author: JuggernautAdded: Jun 15 2013Views/Reads: 2821/1991Story vote: 0.00 (0 votes)
A surgical resident at a hospital gets assistance from an unexpected source.
From Donkey's Mouth and Other Short Stories (377 words)
Author: JuggernautAdded: May 23 2013Views/Reads: 3155/0Story vote: 0.00 (0 votes)
"From Donkey's Mouth," is a collection of short stories by author Subba Rao. Assuming the name of Juggernaut, the author created fictional characters to share his thoughts and travel experiences.
Slander in the Family (307 words)
Author: JuggernautAdded: Apr 21 2013Views/Reads: 3027/2Story vote: 0.00 (0 votes)
While the internal organis get respect and recognition for their vital function to keep human body alive, the outer body parts when oddly shaped get the worst wrap. Why?
Return with Vengeance (2366 words)
Author: JuggernautAdded: Mar 12 2013Views/Reads: 3309/2144Story vote: 0.00 (0 votes)
Hindus believe in reincarnation and karma. VW Beatle came back as Jetta in reincarnation to Juggarnaut for payback for his past bad karma.
Making Messiah (1381 words)
Author: JuggernautAdded: Mar 05 2013Views/Reads: 2881/1948Story vote: 0.00 (0 votes)
In democracy to get elected. a candidate has to be a super star or better a messiah. If one follows a 3-step process, any person can become a messaiah.
The Death of Professor (663 words)
Author: JuggernautAdded: Feb 10 2013Views/Reads: 3002/1925Story vote: 0.00 (0 votes)
A sad story of a professor succembed to old believes.
Stone Walling and Silent Yoga (2363 words)
Author: JuggernautAdded: Jan 22 2013Views/Reads: 2993/2409Story vote: 0.00 (0 votes)
A fictional court proceedings based on a bad experience with a unfair landlord.
A Day of Solidarity (1048 words)
Author: JuggernautAdded: Dec 27 2012Views/Reads: 2924/1943Story vote: 0.00 (0 votes)
A day on APril 18, a stray monkey wonders into a New England town making APril 18 a memorable day to celebrate Lord Hanuman and Paul Revere. Read the connection.
Run Ran Ran (279 words)
Author: JuggernautAdded: Dec 13 2012Views/Reads: 10195/2Story vote: 0.00 (0 votes)
A story on Hawaiian chilli sauce
Behind Closed Doors (3323 words)
Author: Circles of loveAdded: Dec 10 2012Views/Reads: 2933/2396Story vote: 0.00 (0 votes)
The Secrets behind closed doors. Bridget got a visit from her past that threatens to destroy everything that she has tried so hard to hide from everyone.
Bare Footed and Empty Handed (875 words)
Author: JuggernautAdded: Dec 03 2012Views/Reads: 2821/1949Story vote: 0.00 (0 votes)
A story of a fictional character Alerico who lands on the Big Island without a penny in hand and try to make a living.
'OM' (1855 words)
Author: JuggernautAdded: Nov 18 2012Views/Reads: 3206/2188Story vote: 0.00 (0 votes)
On a fictional talk show 'OM' the talk show host SIR interviews Chinnammma a devotional singer.
Meeting of Some Sort (1792 words)
Author: JuggernautAdded: Nov 06 2012Views/Reads: 2892/2078Story vote: 0.00 (0 votes)
People who can't afford lodging can stay free on an organic farm working few hours a day and contributing towards compost making. The lone donkey on the farm 'Roy' though contributes a lot more towards making compost was ignored at the farm meeting until
From Donkey's Mouth (632 words)
Author: JuggernautAdded: Sep 12 2012Views/Reads: 3177/1996Story vote: 0.00 (0 votes)
A conversation with Roy, the donkey on the Big Island of Hawaii.
Sidebar (1059 words)
Author: JuggernautAdded: Jun 18 2012Views/Reads: 3065/1882Story vote: 0.00 (0 votes)
From sidebar Judge Juggernaut presides a case in which the defendent Mr. Yellowaters is represented by the defense lawyer Mr.Mel McMurtry and DA Dan Dukeran.
I Smell Rat (468 words)
Author: JuggernautAdded: Feb 11 2012Views/Reads: 3181/1968Story vote: 0.00 (0 votes)
A story of two cobras that save Champa tree from unscrupulous men trying to cutdown the tree for lumber to make furniture.
Where Are They Now in 2013 (179 words)
Author: JuggernautAdded: Dec 02 2011Views/Reads: 3049/0Story vote: 0.00 (0 votes)
Where are they now in 2013.
Six-Feet Below Ground (436 words)
Author: JuggernautAdded: Jul 19 2011Views/Reads: 3232/0Story vote: 0.00 (0 votes)
A dialogue between Dan and Juggernaut on how to live under the detection of governament radar. Serious stuff.
The Indispensible Onion (775 words)
Author: JuggernautAdded: Jun 06 2011Views/Reads: 3250/2070Story vote: 0.00 (0 votes)
A story on "Onion Raju", an onion vendor in daily market.
IMOP (433 words)
Author: JuggernautAdded: Jun 02 2011Views/Reads: 3361/2041Story vote: 0.00 (0 votes)
Conversations between fictional characters Dan and Juggernaut on Internet Mail Order Pharmacy (IMOP)
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