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My Prince Charming (standard:romance, 1130 words)
Author: makepeacekenAdded: Nov 16 2022Views/Reads: 607/434Story vote: 0.00 (0 votes)
Jade has an accident while out shopping, and a handsome stranger comes to her rescue. She is convinced she will never see him again, or will she?

Jade tripped over as she was walking home from the shops. She managed to
get up, but as she went to retrieve her goods, she heard: 

‘Want a hand, love?' 

She turned to see who it was that had spoken. Wow, was he good-looking? 

‘No, you are all right,' she replied. ‘I've managed to pick most of my
stuff up.' 

‘OK,' then. As long as you are OK.' 

She was till she saw him. Then, as he began to walk away, she did the
first thing that came into her head - faint. That soon got him running 
back towards her. Then, she could feel herself being lifted up. She 
certainly wasn't complaining. But the next thing she knew, he had 
placed her in his car. She was beginning to think she was being 
kidnapped by this handsome stranger. 

‘What's happening? Where are you taking me?' she said after pretending
to wake up. 

He never answered, but he didn't have to as she started to notice that
the car was driving towards the hospital entrance. 

‘I'm getting you checked out. I'm taking no chances,' he said to her. 

She stopped worrying. She was being taken inside the hospital with this
handsome stranger, and as far as he was concerned, she had passed out. 
All she had to do now was keep up the pretence. She was getting away 
with it so far and she knew it. 

Once inside the casualty department, they had to wait for ages for a
doctor to come and take a look at her. He was by her side, sitting and 
waiting. He even bought her a cup of coffee. She was loving every 
minute of this. Then she realised something after reaching into her 
back pocket. 

‘My phone,' she said. ‘I must have dropped it in your car. Go and have a
look for me,' she said to him. 

‘No need. Here it is,' he replied, handing her the phone. 

Was she glad? Her whole life was on that phone. There wasn't much she
didn't use it for, even paying bills and getting her tickets to go on 
the bus with. She just wished she had his number in it. Come to think 
of it, she didn't even know his name. 

Once out of casualty, he gave her a lift home. When they arrived at her
house, she got out of the car and that was it. She thought that he 
might have asked her out but he didn't. Jade felt sad. She had an idea 
that she would not see him again. He probably had a girlfriend anyway. 

The next day Jade was back at work. When her break came, she told her
friend Natalie all about the day before and how a handsome stranger 
whisked her off to the casualty department of the local hospital after 
she had had a fall. 

‘Didn't get his mobile number by any chance?' Natalie asked. 

‘I didn't even get his name. It's a bit like something out of a
fairytale, but does he turn out to be my Prince Charming?' 

‘Do you know anything about him, Jade?' 

‘Nothing. I'll probably never see him again.' 

‘You don't know, babe. Maybe fate will give you a helping hand.' 

The weeks went by and the memory of the accident and her knight in
shining armour was beginning to fade. She had other things on her mind 
- Liam. He had just started at the shop she worked, and he had asked 
her out. OK, maybe he was a bit on the short side and had acne, but he 
was so sweet. He wouldn't hurt a fly and he would do anything for 

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