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Jigsaw Piece (standard:fantasy, 1119 words) | |||
Author: Salamander | Added: Oct 04 2000 | Views/Reads: 3674/2478 | Story vote: 0.00 (0 votes) |
More Canor and Silvire, giving a bit of background on the world. Not much, but some. | |||
Canor and Dutch walked into the tavern side by side, and took two seats at the main bar. The Gate had it’s own bar called Tyforcm’s, and no one knew who the original Tyforcm was. But it was a friendly place for general conversation, despite the few bizarre people that always gathered at the back table. In fact, it had something of a reputation for instigating fights and arson. Usually, the instigators weren’t drunk. The bar itself had a pale wood floor and ceiling and dark wood walls, giving it an interesting effect. It was a vague square, with a third of the bar devoted to the drink bar, while the rest of it was well-spaced tables. The back table was never unoccupied, much to the general dismay of the other patrons. Dutch greeted the bartender with demands for vodka, while Canor sat back in the chair and looked around. It wasn’t quite full, but still fairly crowded. Just the optimal for conversation. He addressed the Fox Kin next to him. “What’s the word on the wars in the normal world?” He spoke slightly too loud, because the entire tavern turned silent and gazed at him. The fox blinked, and stared. Canor was beginning to feel like he had a knack for being the center of attention... Finally, Dutch spoke. “You’re the one down there, don’t you know?” “Of course I know, Dutch! I just kind of want to hear the general perspective on things.” Screams from the back table, mostly of pain, although there was a hearty chuckle as well. Canor resisted the urge to look back. “Well, that’s easy enough to give. It seems that the big guys, like Wildfire, the Screamer horde, Bleak, and Junik are all duking it out between them. It gives the underdogs a fighting chance! Three cheers for the Alchemists!” Dutch seemed rather cheery about everything, as usual. The entire bar, except the back table, chanted. “Hip hip, hooray! Hip hip, hooray! Hip hip, hooray!” Canor blinked and turned to Dutch as the bar resumed the usual conversation level. “What was THAT?” Dutch gave his barking laughter. “Everyone loves the Alchemists! They’re an unbelievably small faction, probably no more than 100 people, in one town, in the dead center of everything. They opened up right in the middle of Junik territory, and after the first few assaults made by Junik forces, they’ve come to a peace treaty.” Dutch guzzled his vodka down as it arrived, and ordered some ale for both him and Canor. “Hope I’m not being too much more assuming than you can stand?” Canor laughed. “No, you know me too well. Thanks. But why didn’t Junik annihilate them? Aside from the Screamers, and they don’t count because they get all of their power from numbers, the Juniks control the largest armed force in the continent!” Dutch snatched a nearby person’s drink without them noticing, and finished it before they did. “That’s part of it. The Junik emperor was in a screaming rage after his first attack failed, he nearly beheaded all the Samurai survivors...” Dutch made a grab for both ales as they came, but Canor managed to snatch his before the black hole known as Dutch got a hold of it. He drank it slowly as he continued to inquire. “But why? 100 people versus 300 or more of the best Samurai warriors? SEVERAL TIMES?” “They have amazing devices, that’s why! There are reports that they can make water fly through the air, make the earth open up beneath enemies, send huge rocks toppling down on them, make –“ Canor laughed at the enthusiastic Dutch, who was gesturing wildly to accompany his speech. “Okay, I get the idea! That’s amazing... Maybe I should visit them soon.” A long wail from the back interrupted anything else Dutch had to say, and a huge Pigeon Kin from the back table took out a huge halberd, slicing someone nearby into several pieces. Canor’s sword was Click here to read the rest of this story (53 more lines)
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