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Far From Paradise (standard:fantasy, 3728 words) | |||
Author: Lauren H. | Added: Aug 27 2007 | Views/Reads: 3191/2111 | Story vote: 0.00 (0 votes) |
This story is actually three chapters taken from the middle of a very long series of chapters about a make believe island in the Caribbean during the 1400s. It is a story of adversity and survival. | |||
Far From Paradise In the year 1492 on an isolated unknown island somewhere in the Caribbean, lived two villages full of natives. The island was eight miles wide and fifteen miles long. It was surrounded on all sides but one by sandy beaches. Inhabited villages were located on the south and west side of the island. The center of the island was covered by dark jungle and very mysterious. For many years neither village was aware of the other one. But in the year 1489 this changed. People from the south village came to the west village. After that the two tribes found ways to visit back and forth. Trade and marriage between people of the tribes was established. Then the villagers from both tribes began to explore the sea around them. But they had not yet sailed the entire length of their island. One day a young couple in the west village named Jero and Huka asked permission to take one of the villages small boats to travel to the south village. They had not been among those who had traveled back and forth before. They were childhood sweethearts and newlyweds. The honeymoon time for them was nearly over. They had their own corner of a communal sleeping hut and established jobs in the village. Often they found that they were bored and both wanted to see a new place. Permission was freely given by Dohate the village leader. Like others who had gone before them they were asked to carry small gifts, supplies and tribal news to the south village. It was getting close to the rainy season. Travel must be done now because soon the weather would not permit. That night before they made love, Jero and Huka packed a few of their belongings. They were too excited to go to sleep. They lay in one another's arms and whispered until morning's first light. A few hours later a goodbye breakfast was held in their honor. Immediately afterwards they were escorted by a crowd of excited villagers to their boat which was nearly half full of gifts and supplies. They looked so young. The village elders almost hated to see them go. Often young people traveled to the south village and stayed there finding a new home. Jero and Huka were young adults ready to start a family. But they still looked like the angelic children they had been since birth. Both of them fair-haired, with golden-tanned skin. Jero looked at the sky. He licked his index finger and held it to the air. The sky was cloudy and the wind was mild and playful, blowing from the south. Jero's uncle Maui told them it would be easy to get to the south side. He said, "Just stay away from the big rocks and the coral reefs that line the shores of the island." He explained that to get there safely Jero and Huka must paddle out some distance from the island and look carefully for the gaps that would allow them to come in to shore when near the south side. They set off and carefully paddled the allotted distance. They drifted along as straight as possible for several minutes. Jero silently praised the Spirit Gods when he saw the shore of the south side in the distance. Then quite suddenly the wind picked up and the waves began to get choppy. "A storm is coming Jero", Huka exclaimed. The storm came on more rapidly. The sky began to cloud over and the wind was getting fierce. Jero cried, "Paddle harder Huka!" Huka did her best but the small boat was being shoved further and further from the shore. "Keep paddling, we'll make it!" Jero shouted, trying to make himself heard over the tumultuous wind and thunder. But it was no use. The storm hit with full force and the small boat was driven off course. It was all the young couple could do to keep from falling overboard. They had to give up paddling and hold tightly to the sides of the boat which was rocking precariously. The rain and wind attacked them like a wild beast, pummeling their bodies while taking their breath. Salty sea water splashed into their mouths. They coughed and sputtered, fearing for their lives. It seemed like several hours had passed before the storm subsided and the water grew calmer. The sky cleared a bit and the young couple could see the storm moving away in the distance. They could not see the island. There was nothing but sea all around them. They had no idea how far they had Click here to read the rest of this story (273 more lines)
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Lauren H. has 3 active stories on this site. Profile for Lauren H., incl. all stories Email: |