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The poor John (standard:drama, 1717 words)
Author: abdessallamAdded: Jun 13 2010Views/Reads: 3175/2090Story vote: 0.00 (0 votes)
It is ahort story about a man named John,who did all his best to get what he wanted from life,but unfortunately,his wife killed his dream,which was a tragedy

The poor John 

Sitting with her classmate in the cafeteria in the cambus,she was
actively exchanging some ideas with her friend about a certain 
topic.John stared hard at her ,she carelessly gave him a short glance 
back.Then,she turned her eyes towards her friend and continued 
talking.Possibly she was discussing something about her study because 
she was talking and from time to time turning some pages of a book.John 
could not take his eyes off of her.He had been staring at her for a 
long time.He found her very much attractive.she was white .She had a 
medium hight.She had a coca bottle shape body.She had long black hair 
with wide black eyes. 

John could not talk to her that day because he was preparing for some
exams at the university.Three days later,he saw her sitting alone on a 
bench in the cambus.<This time I will not loose this opportunity.I have 
to find a way to talk to her>,John said to himself.He sat close to her 
on the same bench.<Hello,my name is John.I am a student here.I study 
the American literature>John said.<That is great,I study the same 
subject too.My name is Nora.>she said.This made it easy for john to 
meet her in the cambus every day and study together.The more they 
met,the more he fell in love with her because she attracted him very 
much.He found everything in her was attractive.Her angelic smile shined 
all the dark places and brought happiness to all gloomy hearts.Her 
sprinkly wide black eyes made her look like an angel.Her body looked 
like a pure fresh fruit ready to eat. 

Three weeks later,john decided to reveal to her the strong love he had
towards her,and since the cambus was not a suitable place for such a 
topic,he invited her to go out with him to change the athmosphere .He 
took her to a romantic cafe by the beach.It was quite big and decorated 
with flowers of  different colors.On the front wall inside the cafe, 
there was a big picture of a woman with her boyfriend frenchkissing 
each other.On the table they sat at, there were two red flowers in a 
small glass on which the word(I love you was written).The music they 
were listening to in the cafe was the slow romantic style. 

<What do you think about this place?>John asked.<It is a lovely nice
place>Nora answered back.<Have you ever been in a love 
relationship>Nora asked.<yes,I was in a destant love relationship.>john 
answered.<what you mean?>Nora asked.<Ten years ago I used to love a 
neighborhood girl but just from a distance because I never talked to 
her or expressed my love towards her>John answered.<Whay?>Nora 
asked.<because I was so shy to talk to her>John answered. 

The romantic place Nora and john were in and talking about love
relationships,encouraged the latter to take out what was in his heart 
towards Nora.<Do you believe in love from the first sight?>John 
asked.<emmmm......yes,I do,but not all the people who say that they 
fall in love from the first sight are honest in what they say 
,especially,men.Some of them, when they meet a woman,they pretend that 
they love her from the first sight,but that is just a way they rely on 
to get her and make a use of her emotionally and physically.>Nora 
answered.<I see what you mean ,and I agree with you in all what 
said,but you also can find some other men who are honest and really 
love from the first sight,and when they meet their dream girls,they do 
not play with their feelings or make a use of them,and to be honest 
with you,this is what happened to me with you.I fell in love with you 
from the first sight I saw you.>John said,trying to force himself to 
smile and defeat his shyness.<emmm...what do you like in me?>Nora 
smilingly asked.<I find every thing in you attractive from inside to 
outside>John answered back. 

They started going to that coffee frequently like any other couples on a
date.They draw many plans in their future marrital life.they planned 
that after graduation,John would look for a job and get an apartment 
and get married to Nora.They also decided not have too many kids.After 
graduation,John succeeded in a teaching exam,and after one year of 
training,he was appointed as a teacher.This job helped him to put the 
dreams he had with his dream girl into reality.After the wedding which 
was a big one,and to which they invited all their neighbors and all 
other people they knew.They lived a happy life,especially,when they had 
a baby,Linda. 

One day while on a vacation with his friends,John received unknown call

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