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Corky's Shoes (standard:fantasy, 11165 words)
Author: PeachiePieAdded: Mar 16 2003Views/Reads: 3599/2562Story vote: 0.00 (0 votes)
A story of a homless boy and a storekeeper that befriended him

Corky's Shoes 

It was a hot August evening and Corky and his Mom & Dad (Ted & Alice
were in the alley behind the big department store.  This was their make 
shift home now.  There were about ten families staying back there.  
They were all homeless. The man that owned that store also owned a 
warehouse across the alley.  He allowed these families to stay there.  
All the boxes that store used were put out first for them to use.  When 
they had all they wanted they cleaned that alley spotless. 

Inside the warehouse the portions that these families used were
spotless.  There was a wall between them and the rest of the warehouse. 
 One day the owner returned from a month long business trip from out of 
this country. He wanted to check his warehouse so he entered through 
the living quarters of these families.  He couldn't believe how 
organized everything was.  Most of the walls were made of cardboard but 
it was very neat.  He thought his alley looked good but he couldn't 
believe this. 

He stood amazed.  He had never been in that portion of the building
since these people moved in.  He allowed it as a favor for his foreman. 
 Vern Morgan owned a chain of stores but this had to be the neatest 
warehouse of any in the chain.  He noticed in the corner a young lady 
with about 10 kids.  She had an old box set up as a blackboard.  He 
realized she was having a class.  This was her schoolroom.  He noticed 
there was no beds in the make shift rooms, only a blanket on cardboard. 
 He noticed the women but only one male adult was in the building.  His 
heart broke for each one of them. 

He bowed his head and briefly said this prayer “Father help me do all I
can for these people” Than he walked on toward the door that led to the 
rest of his warehouse.  He was within a couple of yards of it when that 
young man he saw earlier stepped in front of it. 

He said, ”I'm sorry Sir, but you will have to show me your I D badge
before you can enter that part of the building. 

Vern Morgan looked startled but than he realized not any of these people
had ever met him.  They knew his foreman but he had never been in this 
warehouse since these homeless people moved in.  This was an 
opportunity to fine out a little about these unfortunate people. 

Vern said, “I just need to check everything and I will be out of here”. 

Billy replied,  “I'm sorry Sir, but you will have to be accompanied by
an employee to enter that part of the warehouse. 

Vern asked,  “Why not keep it locked, what is keeping me from just
walking in”? 

Billy replied, “You are talking to it; this door is not locked because
the lock is broken.  Lynn said the door was made of plywood and not 
worth fixing.  He has ordered a door but it is not here yet.  Than very 
politely Billy said, “Sir I am afraid I will have to ask you to leave. 
If you can't show me an I D you have to leave now.  This building and 
the store across the alley belong to Mr. Morgan.  No one goes through 
this door accept employees or if Lynn knows of it”. 

Than Vern said, “I understand I will leave, but are you the only male
living here with all these families”? 

Billy said, “Know there is 10 families live here.  The other nine guys
are out trying to fine odd jobs.  We try to help each other but there 
is barely enough to go around.  They will give me an average of what 
they all earn today.  Everyone has to carry his load.  My job is to 
watch this door and our families”.  Billy said, “I used to be a bouncer 
and I will bounce if I have too”. 

Suddenly the outside door flew open and it was Lynn the foreman. He
rushed up to Billy and said, “Its OK Billy, he is OK”.  Lynn said, “Sir 
I am sorry, I didn't know you were back.  When they told me you were 
over here it scared me to death.  Billy this is Mr. Morgan”. 

Billy could only drop his head.  Billy than looked Mr. Morgan in the eye
and he said, “I'm sorry Sir I didn't know”. Billy said, “Please Sir 

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