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The Thoughtful Writer (standard:drama, 3419 words)
Author: Nathan GoodrichAdded: May 10 2003Views/Reads: 3358/2205Story vote: 0.00 (0 votes)
The relatives of George Tibian Maxwell make a living by using his good name to sell books, but what is the truth behind this legendary author's only bestselling book?

George Tibian Maxwell IV 

The stage was set.  The auditorium was packed with the entire freshmen
class.  The microphone was in place, stand and all.  The teachers were 
lined against the wall prepared to boot out any trouble makers, and the 
speaker was not there yet. 

Mr. Tidwell walked on the stage quietly and rose his hands into the air
so as to signal the students for a moment of silence.  But of course 
they took no notice of him.  He stood in place with his hands frozen in 
the air for about fifteen seconds until he finally made the brilliant 
discovery that none of them were planning on acknowledging his 
existence on the stage.  He then decided that he would have to get a 
little bit more aggressive if he wanted to get control of the audience. 
 He walked up to the microphone, cleared his throat quietly, took a 
deep breath, opened his mouth, and was just in the middle of forming a 
word with his lips when a door in the back was pushed open with 
extensive force. 

The door swung around so fast that it smacked into the wall causing a
loud crashing noise.  Every person sitting in the auditorium was 
startled by all of the commotion and they simultaneously silenced and 
turned their heads in unison so as to get a peek at the intruder. 

A man with a black business suit rushed up the aisle between the chairs
laid out on the floor of the gym, and apologized to Mrs. Williams for 
running so late.  “How do ya do, Mrs. Tidwell?  I'm very sorry for my 
arriving late, but as you know, I have a very busy schedule.”  He 
talked in a very hasty manner which showed his eagerness to begin his 
presentation and also hinted at why he was mistaking Mrs. Williams for 
Mrs. Tidwell, who was no longer among the living. 

Mrs. Williams smiled politely, “Oh I'm just fine Mr. Maxwell, but I...” 

His eyes lit up with such an intensity you would have thought his
insides were burning.  “Oh please, Mrs. Tidwell.  You can call me 
George.”  He smiled strongly, but perhaps it was too strong because it 
almost seemed like a forced smile. 

Mrs. Williams' smile faded and a blank look of annoyance filled her
face.  “Well okay then Mr. Maxwell, but I must inform you that I am not 
Mrs. Tidwell.” 

George blushed and giggled to himself.  “Oh well now I've embarrassed
myself! I'm extremely sorry for my stupid mistake.”  He leaned in 
closer as if he wanted to tell her a secret.  “Well then, where might I 
find Mrs. Tidwell?” 

At this point the entire audience was staring at George and all
attention was focused on what an idiot he was making of himself.  Mr. 
Tidwell had seen enough and walked to the area in front of the small 
stage where George had been greeting Mrs. Williams.  He cleared his 
throat once again, and this time he was fortunate enough to speak 
afterwards.  “Excuse me Mr. Maxwell, but Mrs. Tidwell is not here.” 

An expression of anxiety warped George's face.  “Oh geez!  Well then
where the hell is she?”  The entire audience found this moment to be a 
god time to gasp as a whole.  “I need to get on with my presentation!”  
His act of friendliness was clearly over. 

Mr. Maxwell winced two times then managed to stammer out a full
sentence.  “We-eeelllll she has been buried for about five years now.  
I am Mr. Tidwell.  I am the one you are speaking of, not my late wife.  
Oh and Mr. Maxwell, if you wish to get paid for your services today, I 
will ask you to refrain from using profanity in front of the students!” 
Sweat began to slowly trickle down his brow. 

George looked at the ground and he began the act again.  “Well sir, I do
apologize for my rudeness.  I am very sorry for my hasty manner.  I was 
not brought up that way at all.  Sometimes I just get a little excited. 
That's all.” 

Mr. Maxwell's bald spot glistened from all of the sweat gathering on top
of it.  “It's alright sir.  I'll introduce you right now so you can 
begin.”  And so he did.  He introduced him as George Tibian Maxwell IV, 

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