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Crossing the Water (standard:non fiction, 501 words)
Author: HeatherAdded: Mar 16 2005Views/Reads: 3098/2Story vote: 0.00 (0 votes)
This is the story of a young boy, Tyler, and his daily adventures.

Tyler is four years old, it is a sunny summer day and as he leaves his
house he walks around to his backyard, through the worn path his mom 
has made through the garden. As he emerges from the path, he sees his 
destination; the little stream that runs through his backyard. 

But as Tyler approaches the stream, he sees it transform into an
expansive ocean.  The water is a deep dark blue, and right there, on 
the shore line, is his ship. A grand and wondrous old ship, with large 
billowing sails of a pure white. 

As he climbs aboard, Tyler sees his crew on the boat waiting for him.
Captain Tyler has returned to his ship once again and is ready to 
embark on the next voyage. He yells to his crew and they begin to make 
the long trek across the water. 

The journey began smoothly, as they left the shore, sea gulls
congregated around the ship in hopes of snatching some lost piece of 
food. Dolphins surfed along the waves made by the ship and seemed to 
fly through the water. 

Captain Tyler is at the wheel, guiding the ship through the water.
Suddenly, the weather begins to change; the sky turns a dark and 
foreboding gray, as storm clouds roll in. The sea, which moments ago 
had been calm, suddenly is churning. Waves crash over the boat, 
threatening to sweep the crew overboard and into the now black water. 

As the sea gets more violent, and Captain Tyler struggles to maintain
control of the ship, he thinks he sees something in the water.  As it 
draws closer and closer to him, he sees that it is a ship. 

Pirates! He can see the flag flying from their mast. They have come to
steal his treasure, he can't let them. He must protect his ship and his 

He attempts to turn starboard, but the waves and the wind push him
closer to the pirates. They are suddenly right on top of him! They fire 
their canon; it is to short. They fire again, this time it is too long. 
The next two shots are dead on, and make two large holes in the bottom 
of the ship. Water comes rushing in. They are sinking. The pirates are 
boarding the ship; they have come to finish them off. This would be 
Captain Tyler's last voyage. 


He hears a shout. He looks up to see his mother standing on the banks of
the stream.  He is in his backyard once again. 

“Tyler, I told you not to get dirty!” His mom yells. “Look at you
sitting in the middle of the stream! Come inside it is time for 

Tyler stands up, takes his mothers hand and walks with her toward the
house.  But even as he turns away and walks toward the house, his mind 
remains back at the stream, he is already thinking up his next big 
adventure; his next attempt at crossing the water. 


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