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Zithia (standard:fantasy, 895 words) [1/4] show all parts
Author: Elizabeth K.Updated: Dec 05 2007Views/Reads: 3138/2Part vote: 0.00 (0 votes)
This story is about a teenage girl who's father left her and her mother when she was very young. She is forced to leave her home and travel to another world to....well, at least it's a whole lot better in the story. I was never good at summaries. Please g

Our story starts one sunny afternoon where we find a girl of thirteen
years under the shade of a very old oak tree. She sits there, deeply 
entranced by the tale her book is spinning in her head. A few stray 
strands of her red hair fell from behind her ear, where she brushes 
them aside once again. She never looks up from her story, so entranced 
she sees it like a movie playing through her head. Her story is very 
much like the one I am telling you; it has a wonderful beginning, and 
is full of adventure, discovery, and a very dark evil. She has just 
gotten to the very middle, the most exciting part, when someone calls 
her inside the little one-story white house. The house is nestled among 
rose bushes in full bloom, flowers of every kind you could imagine, and 
a small fountain in the middle of the back yard's walkway. There are 
two benches on each side of the fountain. The walkway is made of pastel 
orange stones, where, to the side, white daises grew. It was a very 
enchanting setting for someone so caught up in a book that she began to 
believe that it was telling a long lost history of some far off place 
and time. Star got up from her place beneath the oak and walked along 
the path around the fountain. She continued past it and walked inside, 
where she could smell the scents of her mother's cooking. 

Only Star and her mother lived in the cozy little house. Star had never
known her father, except in long forgotten photographs. She looked 
nothing like her mother; her mother was short and plump, with round 
features and light brown hair. Star, however, was tall and fair, with 
red hair and sharper features. She compared herself with the father she 
knew from the photographs, but she didn't look much like him either. He 
was tall with dark red hair, almost brown, and had deep blue eyes. Star 
had light brown eyes. She walked into her room to return her book to 
the many shelves that it held. Only one of her four walls did not hold 
a bookshelf, for it held the head of her bed along with many posters 
and pictures she had accumulated over the years. She had a few pictures 
of her father, along with some of her friends' photos and posters of 
fairies, dragons, and many magical creatures. Star was a big fan of 
fantasy and fiction writing. In fact, all of her books were fantasy or 
fiction. Star's walls were painted a deep blue, her favorite color, the 
color of her father's eyes. She was almost in love with that color. 
Beside her bed, resting on the bedside table amongst other items was a 
necklace that her mother said had once been her father's. In front of 
her bedside table was a bag which she always had prepared in case there 
was a sudden emergency and she had to run for it. She had always had 
this bag prepared, for her mother always told her to keep it that way. 
It held two of her most treasured books, an extra pair of clothes, her 
most valued pictures of friends and long lost family members that she 
had never seen, and an envelope her mother had given her. Her mother 
had told her never to open the letter unless it was an absolute 
emergency. Star had always been confused about why she had to have it. 
But she kept it, all the same. Just then, her mother ran into the room. 
She had a frightened look about her. She ran over to Star, who was 
sitting on the bed, tossing her father's necklace over and over in her 

"Star, I need you to listen to me. Someone is here, looking for me. I
need you to take that bag and run into the woods behind the house. Keep 
running until you get to the stone circle. You should be safe there. 
Then-and only then- should you open the letter. I need you to go." her 
mother said this very fast and with a horrified tone to her voice. Star 
started to speak. 


"Star, I need you to go, now!" her mother said, leading her to the back
door. Star had grabbed her bag before she left her room, snatching her 
father's photo from the wall and putting it and the necklace hurriedly 
in the bag. Her mother pushed Star out of the door, kissed her 
forehead, and spoke again. "Star, I love you very much, so I need you 
to do exactly as I said. That letter will explain everything. Remember, 
I love you, so please, go now." Suddenly there was a sound from the 
front of the house, as if a door had been kicked down. 

"Where are you, Celestina, I know you're in here! You can't hide from
me!" a cold, harsh voice cried that sent chills down Star's spine. It 
was as horrifying as having the cold blade of a knife pressed against 
your throat. 

"Please! Go now! I love you!" whispered Star's mother urgently. Star
turned and ran as fast as she could towards the woods; her mother's 
word's still ringing in her ears. 

*NOTE* This is NOT the whole story. This is just chapter one.


This is part 1 of a total of 4 parts.
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