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  Writer's profile for 'Victor D. Lopez'
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'Victor D. Lopez' has written 13 stories:

Justice (standard:Flash, 993 words)
Author: Victor D. LopezAdded: Jun 15 2013Views/Reads: 3089/2041Story vote: 0.00 (0 votes)
This is a very short science fiction story that takes place in the not too distant future. The setting is a courtroom in which judgment is about to be rendered for a man accused of committing the only remaining capital offense of a unified earth.
On Fading Dreams (standard:poetry, 149 words)
Author: Victor D. LopezAdded: Jun 16 2013Views/Reads: 2966/2Story vote: 0.00 (0 votes)
Sonnet (with a link to audio version)
Unsung Heroes -- Part I (excerpt) (standard:poetry, 946 words) [1/2] show all parts
Author: Victor D. LopezUpdated: Jun 18 2013Views/Reads: 3037/1990Story vote: 0.00 (0 votes)
In a search for heroes that inspire and help us in our personal quest to become more than we are, we often turn our sights to far-off real and mythical men and women that fit the archetype. Yet true heroes often abound much closer to home if we only take
the Subway (standard:poetry, 288 words)
Author: Victor D. LopezAdded: Jun 21 2013Views/Reads: 2939/1975Story vote: 0.00 (0 votes)
Free verse about the Fulton Street Subway Station in Brooklyn New York in the late 1970s. The poem, while descriptive of a real place, is intended as a metaphor for the darker side of life in any large city where human suffering is tamped down beneath the
Central Park (standard:poetry, 183 words)
Author: Victor D. LopezAdded: Jun 21 2013Views/Reads: 3052/4Story vote: 0.00 (0 votes)
This is a blank verse poem that offers a very different vision of the world famous park in New York City that attracts millions of happy tourists and locals every year. For me, especially nearly three decades ago when this poem was originally written, the
god is dead (standard:poetry, 127 words)
Author: Victor D. LopezAdded: Jun 21 2013Views/Reads: 3249/0Story vote: 0.00 (0 votes)
This is a free verse poem with tongue somewhat planted in cheek about the self-centeredness, narcissism and unearned arrogance of modern society that looks neither to the past nor to the future for aspirational values or meaningful goals, but only inward,
The Grasshopper and the Ants - Original and 21st Century Versions (standard:Satire, 751 words)
Author: Victor D. LopezAdded: Jun 21 2013Views/Reads: 6873/0Story vote: 0.00 (0 votes)
Here in brief is the original Aesop Fable updated for the 21st century.
Causes and Solutions to teh High Cost of College Textbooks (standard:Editorials, 1690 words)
Author: Victor D. LopezAdded: Jun 21 2013Views/Reads: 3414/2123Story vote: 0.00 (0 votes)
This brief article deals with some of the root causes that have resulted in college textbooks that can be higher than $200. Despite severe shake-ups in the industry and attrition over the past two decades, the cost of college textbooks keeps increasing an
The Riddle of the Sphinx: Solved (standard:fantasy, 1594 words)
Author: Victor D. LopezAdded: Jul 02 2013Views/Reads: 3211/2348Story vote: 0.00 (0 votes)
Historians and Egyptologists have long debated the origins of the sphinx, its purpose, and the incongruity of its enigmatic face. This story provides the answers, along with its single most important secret to be revealed in the very near future.
Heroes Desconocidos: Remedios (standard:poetry, 1718 words)
Author: Victor D. LopezAdded: Mar 03 2015Views/Reads: 2645/1616Story vote: 0.00 (0 votes)
This is a translation into Spanish of part of my longest poem, Unsung Heroes from my book of poems, Of Pain and Ecstasy: Collected Poems. This particular part, Remedios, is about my maternal grandmother. The other three parts of the poem omitted here rela
heroes Desconocidos: Parte I - Emilio (standard:poetry, 1008 words)
Author: Victor D. LopezAdded: Mar 04 2015Views/Reads: 2614/1656Story vote: 0.00 (0 votes)
This is a translation from the English original into Spanish of Part I of my longest poem, Unsung Heroes (Heroes Desconocidos). This portion centers around my maternal grandfather, a gentle brave man who was beloved by his neighbors and even by his politi
Siren's Sing (with link to text/audio) (standard:poetry, 169 words)
Author: Victor D. LopezAdded: Mar 16 2015Views/Reads: 3116/1Story vote: 0.00 (0 votes)
Unsung Heroes #V: Felipe (standard:poetry, 3837 words)
Author: Victor D. LopezAdded: Jul 22 2017Views/Reads: 2289/1448Story vote: 0.00 (0 votes)
This is the newest addition to my longest free verse poem, Unsung Heroes, on the death of my dad.

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